Please select your desired size, grit, and variant to produce the catalogue number for your product. Please use the provided chart image to get full measurement breakdown for your selected catalogue number.Download Full PDF View CAD Library*If measurements become greyed out, DMS Components does not produce the components in those measurement combinations.AO is a perfect all around aluminum oxide stone with excellent breakdown characteristics yet, it retains its shape well, especially when polishing mold cavity details. The AO is filled with a lubricant during the manufacturing process so it does not require pre-lubrication although the use of a lubricant is recommended.
Please select your desired size, grit, and variant to produce the catalogue number for your product. Please use the provided chart image to get full measurement breakdown for your selected catalogue number.Download Full PDF View CAD Library*If measurements become greyed out, DMS Components does not produce the components in those measurement combinations.“Polisher’s Choice” is made from premium select grain & bond and a proprietary process. The “PC” is a quick contouring finishing stone designed for rapid stock removal and is an outstanding choice for metal finishes requiring a final diamond finish. This stone requires lubricant and is suited for use by hand or profiler.
Please select your desired size, grit, and variant to produce the catalogue number for your product. Please use the provided chart image to get full measurement breakdown for your selected catalogue number.Download Full PDF View CAD Library*If measurements become greyed out, DMS Components does not produce the components in those measurement combinations.Specially treated medium-hard stone cuts very fast and yet provides a silky, smooth finish. Use T-2 for high quality mold steels such as P20, H13 and 420 stainless. EXECELLENT stone for stainless steels.
Please select your desired size, grit, and variant to produce the catalogue number for your product. Please use the provided chart image to get full measurement breakdown for your selected catalogue number.Download Full PDF View CAD Library*If measurements become greyed out, DMS Components does not produce the components in those measurement combinations.Specially treated medium aluminum oxide that cuts fast and leaves an excellent finish. Similar to the T-2 but breaks down faster. Engineered for use on aluminum and soft metals without scratching or tearing the surface. Use of a lubricant is recommended.
Please select your desired size, grit, and variant to produce the catalogue number for your product. Please use the provided chart image to get full measurement breakdown for your selected catalogue number.Download Full PDF View CAD Library*If measurements become greyed out, DMS Components does not produce the components in those measurement combinations.Made from premium aluminum oxide, then specially treated to provide a load resistant, smooth cutting action. The special formualtion of the “TH” allows it to hold its shape and makes it an excellent choice for EDM surfaces. Performs well on all types of tool steels.